
How to choose the right mattress: selection in 5 steps

Very often, they don’t pay enough attention to the choice of a mattress, believing that it does not matter whether it is expensive or cheap, because it is completely hidden by bedding. However, a poor-quality mattress can cause a lot of trouble: from insomnia and snoring to serious problems with the spine. Therefore, a good mattress is an investment in your own health. Let's see what orthopedic mattresses are and what they are.

The best mattresses are orthopedic

An orthopedic mattress is a mattress that ensures the correct position of the spine during sleep. This effect is achieved in various ways: for example, by using special independent spring blocks or ultra-modern foam materials in the design that remember the shape and weight of the body. As a result of using an orthopedic mattress after sleep, the back does not hurt, there is no sensation of numbness or tension in the muscles.

STEP 1 Choosing the rigidity of the mattress

This is one of the fundamental characteristics of an orthopedic mattress. A full rest and well-being of a person largely depends on his rigidity. For a comfortable stay, medium-hard mattresses are considered the best option, but the choice remains individual.

    Increased rigidity

Hard mattresses are recommended for diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis. Filler can serve as materials such as compacted polyurethane foam, struttofiber, coconut fiber, composites. As a result, the surface is not soft, does not provide the convenience of sleep, but in case of problems with the spine it will ideally support sick or damaged vertebrae. Sleep on such mattresses is also shown to people with excellent health, but those who are more than 50 years old should be careful when choosing a mattress that is too hard. In any case, hard mattresses are rather specific products that are chosen either because of love for hard sleeping surfaces, or because of medical prescriptions.

Medium hardness

The most recommended stiffness for a healthy person of average build and growth. In low-cost mattresses, to ensure medium hardness stuffing, composite materials are used such as strut-fiber, artificial latex, polyurethane foam with characteristic orthopedic qualities, for more expensive ones - combinations of natural latex and coconut coir, as well as memorix. Such mattresses with medium hardness are in great demand.

Low rigidity

To provide low rigidity to mattresses, manufacturers use polyurethane foam and natural latex layers. Natural latex filler is classified as orthopedic stuffing, and polyurethane foam is not suitable for sleeping people who are overweight. Often soft and moderately soft mattresses are chosen for the elderly, as well as for children aged 8-15 years.

Recommendation: To clarify the rigidity of the mattress, you should use the accompanying passport, which indicates the weight maintained by the product. It will be convenient for a thin person to sleep on a soft model, and for those who have extra pounds, it is advisable to opt for a tougher option.

STEP 2 We take into account the weight of the sleeping

In addition to the selection criteria mentioned above, the weight of the future owner plays an important role. It is very important to take this factor into account, since firstly the life of the product depends on this, and secondly, the feeling of rigidity of the mattress.

Do not exceed the maximum weight per berth indicated in the characteristics of the mattress. It is better to have a reserve for this indicator in the region of 5-20 kg. In addition, keep in mind that the rigidity of mattresses is indicated for people of average build (weighing 70-90 kg). For example, for a person who is overweight more than 110 kg, a mattress with the stated average stiffness will seem rather soft, and for a person with a weight of 40-50 kg, it can on the contrary be perceived as moderately hard.

  • Overweight people will feel comfortable on fairly high mattresses.
  • For people with normal weight, experts advise to opt for mattresses of medium thickness.
  • A thin person will not be able to exert sufficient pressure on the thickened base of the mattress, so it makes no sense to buy an excessively thick mattress.

Models with a small thickness, which is limited to a couple of centimeters, do not belong to the bases suitable for sleep. Such products are suitable for creating comfort on the couch, bed and leveling their surfaces and are called mattress covers.

STEP 3 Choose the size and height of the mattress

Ease of rest depends on the height of the mattress. In addition, this factor is also important in aesthetic terms. The thinnest mattresses are up to 14 cm thick; such mattresses are usually designed for children or infrequent seasonal use. Experts argue that thin models can adversely affect health, harm the spine with a significant weight of the sleeping person. For adults, the following height references are suitable as the main mattress for constant use:

  • When choosing a mattress for adults, products with a thickness of 14-30 cm should be selected.
  • If you buy a springless monolithic mattress, then its thickness can be 14-16cm minimum.
  • High-quality mattresses with independent spring blocks are made with a thickness of at least 18-19 cm. All that is less - super-cheap options with thin filling.
  • Manufacturers also offer multi-layer models that provide more amenities and comfort. Elite mattresses can have a thickness of 24 to 40 cm.
  • The standard value of the height of the orthopedic mattress for an adult is considered to be a range of 19-23 cm.

Important! For children over 4 years of age, the use of very thin mattresses (3-6 cm) is categorically unacceptable.

The question of the dimensions of the mattress with orthopedic properties refers to its conformity to the base and / or bed on which it will be placed:

  • If the width of the mattress is greater than the width of the bed, then this will either lead to overhanging of the edges and, as a result, uncomfortable sleep, or the mattress simply does not fit into the dimensions of the bed,
  • If the mattress is smaller in width, this will cause inconvenience during rest, inaccuracy of the appearance of the bed,
  • With an inappropriate length, the same uncomfortable picture will result, leading to discomfort or inability to use.
  • The most common sizes of mattresses for a single bed are 80x190, 80x200, 90x200 cm. For double sizes, 120x200, 140x200, 160x200 and 180x200 cm are considered standard. We recommend taking standard sizes - this will simplify the selection of furniture and accessories.
  • If you measured the size of the mattress, and it turned out to be outside the standard values ​​- you can always order a mattress in a non-standard size.

Advice! The best option is the simultaneous selection of the bed and mattress with the exact observance of mutual parameters.

Bonnel Spring Mattresses

Mattresses with dependent spring blocks are called classic, their use has more than one hundred years. They are called Bonnel. Such mattresses do not possess orthopedic properties.

Important! The use of old and broken spring mattresses leads to damage to the joints of the vertebrae, curvature of the spine.

Among the other drawbacks is the wear of the springs during mutual friction, which leads to a creak and the inability to relax comfortably in silence. Between the springs dust is collected, not only negatively affecting a sleeping person, but also contributing to the development of parasites, harmful microorganisms.

The low cost of spring models attract buyers. However, before purchasing, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons so that, with a minimum fee, you do not have any health problems for either children or adults.

Mattresses equipped with independent spring blocks

Such mattresses attract the attention of consumers with a simple but very convenient design. Each of the springs is placed in a separate case, which allows you to move without contact with other blocks. When several blocks are pressed, adjacent springs will remain in the same position. Fillers are placed horizontally on the top and bottom of the blocks, which together with the springs create a mattress with excellent orthopedic and anatomical qualities.

Each spring works pointwise independently. This means that the mattress will ideally bend under each bend of the human body and provide the necessary support for the spine. The standard density for the installation of springs is 250 pieces per square meter, but there are also models with blocks of improved design - Multipocket (about 500 springs per square meter) and Micropocket (more than 900 springs per square meter). Such models can be recommended to people with a lot of weight, as well as to those who want to get the best orthopedic back support from all that modern spring mattresses offer.

The use of mattresses with an independent spring unit is indicated for people over 12 years of age, taking into account the degree of surface rigidity. The advantages of models with such springs include:

  • pronounced orthopedic properties with excellent back support,
  • long service life
  • lack of creaking of springs,
  • the possibility of use for people with a large body weight,
  • high degree of reliability, guaranteeing the preservation of the properties of the base even after active games, children
  • the convenience of sleep and relaxation.

The price of this type of mattress varies widely - from low-cost models with a TFK spring block and artificial fillers to expensive mattresses with fancy high-density spring blocks with high-end materials.

Springless mattresses with PPU

This is the most common type of inexpensive springless mattresses today. Often they are sold in compact, twisted packaging. These mattresses are often bought for children, adolescents and adults as economical options. They are perfect for the role of mattresses for a summer residence or a rented apartment. However, among them there are good options that are perfectly suitable for the role of mattresses for constant use, the only thing you need to pay attention to is the density of PUFs, such mattresses should have a stiffness index of “medium” or “moderately hard”.

Advantages and disadvantages

- availability and low prices,
- several levels of hardness - from soft to medium,
- pretty good orthopedic qualities in models with dense PPU,
- convenience of transportation to the destination.


- low service life,
- not the best anatomical qualities.

Springless mattresses with orthopedic properties

When choosing a springless version, you should focus on the filler, which is responsible for the stiffness of the product. Mattresses that do not have springs are characterized by sufficient strength and soundlessness, which has earned considerable popularity about users.

In the manufacture of fillers, latex, coconut fiber, struttofiber, horsehair, polyurethane foam and other materials are used that provide orthopedic properties to surfaces, and a comfortable and healthy sleep for owners.

Thanks to correctly selected filling, the products have tremendous endurance, withstand considerable loads, jumps and games of children. Orthopedic springless mattresses can be structurally divided:

Advantages and disadvantages

- long service life,
- several levels of hardness,
- high orthopedic properties.


- high price due to the use of expensive fillers, including coconut fiber, natural latex,
- the heavy weight of such mattresses.

STEP 5 Selection of filling material

A thoughtful approach to the choice of filler for an orthopedic mattress will allow you to purchase a model suitable for the personal needs of the buyer, because this directly affects rigidity, environmental friendliness and reliability.

Remember! Such fillers as fluff, inexpensive foam padding, cotton wool do not have orthopedic characteristics. Among the unpopular properties of cotton wool is knocking down into uneven lumps, which interferes with comfort during sleep.


The basis for the manufacture of latex layers is hevea juice, processed in a special way to obtain a foamed mass. The prepared material serves as an excellent filler for orthopedic mattresses, taking the shape of the body and perfectly supporting the spine. Latex can be either soft or hard enough. At the same time, artificial material has a higher degree of stiffness compared to natural. The popularity of latex mattresses is evidenced by their relevance among both children's and adult consumer audiences.

In the list of advantages of latex filler:

  • providing comfortable conditions for relaxation,
  • anatomical repetition of body contours,
  • sleep comfort for people diagnosed with spinal problems,
  • perfectly withstands large loads and human mass, rapid restoration of the structure due to porosity,
  • combination with various materials allows increasing stiffness if necessary,
  • the use of the material in soft models of mattresses allows you to save both sleep comfort and orthopedic properties of the base,
  • lack of allergic effects,
  • quick disposal of excess moisture,
  • wear resistance under intense loads.

Among the shortcomings are the high cost of products, as well as the fragility of artificial material, which after some time dries up, which leads to delamination.

Polyurethane foam

The high popularity of polyurethane foam (PUF, orthopenes, artificial latex) is due to the fact that the basis is the foam rubber with various orthopedic additives that is familiar to many users. The use of PPU allows the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses with good characteristics at a fairly low price.

Among the positive aspects of using PPU:

  • affordable cost
  • a sufficiently long service life,
  • immunity to increased loads, so jumping and playing children are not critical,
  • providing sufficient orthopedic properties, which is acceptable for those who care about their health.

The problem points include the difficulty of removing absorbed moisture, as well as the difficulty of cleaning up contaminants. In addition, the life of mattresses using PPU is small - from 4 to 9 years.

Coconut Coir

An elastic plate made of pressed coconut fibers is a fairly rigid material that is often used to fill orthopedic mattresses. Coira is usually combined with latex and polyurethane layers, which allows you to create excellent quality and comfort surfaces for sleeping and relaxing. Or it can be used without additional softening fillers, thus producing mattresses with high rigidity.

The benefits of choosing coconut coir mattresses include:

  • non-allergenic material
  • creating an obstacle to the growth of bacteria,
  • rapid evaporation of moisture
  • not subject to decay,
  • environmental friendliness
  • excellent ventilation
  • healing and orthopedic properties,
  • lack of harmful components
  • proper back support during sleep,
  • the opportunity to use not only for adults, but also for children of any age.

The disadvantages include high cost, the reason for which is the complexity of processing and preparing the material.

You should know it! Coconut-filled mattresses are fragile, which should be taken into account during operation, without subjecting the product to shock and twisting.

Hollofiber and Struttofiber

An interesting name refers to a material that has unique properties due to its unique structure in the form of vertically arranged fibers. In the manufacture of a mattress with stratofiber fibers, goat hair, horse hair, and linen threads can also be added. An excellent combination is obtained when combining a stratofiber or holofiber with polyurethane foam or with independent spring blocks. Hollofiber is a very similar material, but in it the fibers are not oriented vertically, but randomly, which makes this material a little softer in comparison with the strut-fiber.

The advantages of Strutofiber / Holofiber are as follows:

  • bright manifestation of the properties of the orthopedic plan,
  • elasticity,
  • excellent breathability
  • quick disposal of moisture on the surface,
  • hypoallergenicity
  • immediate restoration of the original form after suffering deformation,
  • wide range of rigidity from medium to high,
  • wear resistance

Memory Foam Mattresses

MemoriForm - a material with a foamed structure, which allows the surface to adjust to the shape of the body. The Memory Form bends under a person, acquiring its shape, and after the termination of the load is restored within a few minutes. Such mattresses with a "memory effect" provide excellent conditions for sleeping, but at lower temperatures the unique material acquires increased rigidity.

Made a choice? Order a mattress!

After a careful examination of the characteristics of mattresses with various fillers, it is not difficult to conclude about the most suitable product. Choose models with care for your health and those close to you!

Use our form of selection of mattresses - with it you can do it easily and quickly!

The best mattress in quality and comfort Dreamline SleepDream Medium S1000

  • medium hard
  • up to 150 kg per place,
  • supports the spine.

The symmetrical model of medium hardness leads the ranking of the best adult sleeping mattresses. 23 cm high, with an independent Multipoket block (500 springs per 1 sq. M). The model is filled with elastic hypoallergenic and natural latex and coconut coir. The latter is a “breathing” natural material that gives the model rigidity and elasticity.

Dreamline SleepDream Medium S1000 is covered with knitted quilted with holkon - voluminous, soft, pleasant to the touch. Removable mattress covers additionally protect against water and pollution. Spring blocks made of thick wire can withstand significant loads - for one person up to 150 kg.

Thanks to a good counteraction to high loads, you can recommend a quality mattress for overweight people or those who move a lot in a dream.

Ascona's Best Budget Spring Mattress Balance Practice

  • inexpensive - from 3000 rubles,
  • wear resistant
  • medium hardness.

The top mid-mattress for sleep included an inexpensive medium-hard model with a traditional Bonnel block. It is assembled from durable steel springs that do not creak or rub against each other. Locks are installed on the shanks of the springs, preventing them from twisting.

The advantages of the model include resistance to wear, hygiene. Cotton felt provides the necessary rigidity. A layer of highly elastic anatomical foam allows air to pass through and promotes muscle relaxation.

Ascona Balance Practice with an average thickness of 18 cm can be used for any beds. The maximum mass of one person is 90 kg. Covered in jacquard quilted with synthetic winterizer.

To protect it from dust and moisture, as well as the appearance of various spots, they additionally acquire a water-tight cover or a protective mattress cover. This will increase the operating period and create an optimal microclimate on the sleeping surface.

It is better to buy the product for a summer residence or a house with seasonal living, because with constant use after a couple of years, the springs become noticeable.


  • no winter-summer effect.

Ascona's Best Budget Spring Mattress Balance Practice

  • inexpensive - from 3000 rubles,
  • wear resistant
  • medium hardness.

The top mid-mattress for sleep included an inexpensive medium-hard model with a traditional Bonnel block. It is assembled from durable steel springs that do not creak or rub against each other. Locks are installed on the shanks of the springs, preventing them from twisting.

The advantages of the model include resistance to wear, hygiene. Cotton felt provides the necessary rigidity. A layer of highly elastic anatomical foam allows air to pass through and promotes muscle relaxation.

Ascona Balance Practice with an average thickness of 18 cm can be used for any beds. The maximum mass of one person is 90 kg. Covered in jacquard quilted with synthetic winterizer.

To protect it from dust and moisture, as well as the appearance of various spots, they additionally acquire a water-tight cover or a protective mattress cover. This will increase the operating period and create an optimal microclimate on the sleeping surface.

It is better to buy the product for a summer residence or a house with seasonal living, because with constant use after a couple of years, the springs become noticeable.


Buyers believe that the product does not differ in convenience from more expensive models. A good level of comfort, does not creak even with intensive use.


  • air permeable filler
  • lack of creak,
  • wear resistance of the coating.


  • after a couple of years, the springs begin to feel.

The best premium orthopedic mattress LONAX Cocos S1000

  • coconut coir
  • up to 150 kg per place,
  • Cotton case with zipper.

The best option among analogues related to hard products, with an independent S1000 unit (500 springs per square meter). Filled with latex coconut coir - a natural, durable material with hypoallergenic properties.

Koyra is resistant to deformation, holds heavy loads - up to 150 kg. Due to the natural filler, Lonax Cocos S1000 leads in the ranking of orthopedic mattresses for premium beds. Elastic models are better for the back, if during the day there are strong loads on the spine.

Between the coir and the spring block there is a pad made of thermal felt. A soft cotton jacquard with a volumetric quilting that allows air to pass through is used for the cover, which is useful for sleeping.

It is better to choose a model for people with large loads on the back. Perfect for spouses with a significant difference in weight.

The best springless mattress for sleep Dreamline Soft Slim

  • filler - perforated latex,
  • adaptation for posture and weight,
  • cotton case.

The moderately soft model leads the category of the best springless mattresses. The monolithic block, for the manufacture of which natural perforated latex is used, with a height of 110 mm makes the model as anatomical as possible.

The filler “breathes”, maintains a comfortable temperature, acts as a support for the spinal column, adjusts to posture and body weight. The product holds up to 120 kg per place.

A cotton jacquard is used for the cover, which supports ventilation. The product is resistant to wear due to holkon stitches. The model can be laid on sofas, couches and folding beds - dents in a berth will no longer be felt. Dreamline Soft Slim is sold rolled up, which makes transportation cheaper.

The product is suitable for sleeping for those who cannot fall asleep on a hard surface.

How to choose a mattress for a bed

A correctly selected mattress ensures the correct location of the spine in a dream. Before acquiring, it’s worthwhile to find out what products are and which are better suited for people with orthopedic problems.

The main types of mattresses for beds:

  • springless
  • with independent spring blocks,
  • with Bonnel dependent blocks.

In the latter embodiment, the springs connected by means of spiral elements are arranged in rows. Similar designs are present in low-cost models of orthopedic mattresses.

Independent springs are packed in separate cases. Each of them operates autonomously. Thanks to this, mattresses are highly elastic and comfortable. They have the best orthopedic qualities, recommended for double beds.

Mattresses, where there are no springs, evenly distribute the weight. They excluded metal elements. Decide which option to choose: spring or spring, should be individually. The choice is influenced by the presence of orthopedic problems and specific preferences for convenience.

With which filler is it better to buy a mattress:

  • with coconut (wear-resistant and environmentally friendly),
  • with polyurethane foam (elastic and elastic),
  • with latex (safe for health, springy, durable).

Cotton or foam products, when compared with the ones listed above, are of lower quality - they cake faster, go lumpy. It is better to take a mattress for a bed without foam, even as an inner layer: artificial material does not "breathe", causes sweating.

How to choose a mattress:

  1. Before buying, calculate its value . Based on the size of the furniture and the composition of the users. Legs or head should not rest against the headboard. The product should be at least 150 mm longer than human in length. The optimal width is more than the double span of the user's shoulders. Now the best manufacturers of mattresses offer options in different sizes, even significant ones - from 180 × 200 cm or more.
  2. The mass of a person is also important. . Mattresses with a dependent unit can withstand up to 100 kg in one place. In comparison with them, independent blocks or springless products hold much more weight.
  3. The stiffness indicator depends on the number of inner layers and the type of base . There are three types of mattresses: soft, medium-hard and hard. The first can be used for people with low weight, retirees, as well as suffering from lower back diseases. A hard or medium hard product is suitable for stout people, especially if it is equipped with a reinforced spring block.
  4. You also need to consider whether you need a one-way or two-way option. . The latter differ in the type of coating: for the “winter” one uses a layer of wool, and the “summer” one is covered with a “breathing” fabric.

How high-quality the mattress will be depends on the manufacturing company. Well-known manufacturers do not risk reputation by offering “one-time” options. When thinking which mattress company is better to choose, pay attention to brands that are valued all over the world. The mattress manufacturers rating includes: Dormeo, IKEA, Consul, Magniflex. In Russia, the best mattresses are produced: Ormatek, Ascona, Lonax, DreamLine.

But when choosing a mattress, you should not focus only on the brand, even if the products of this manufacturer are considered the best. It is important to choose an individually suitable model. It is impossible, for example, to say right away which is better: Ormatek or Ascona. An individual approach is required. When deciding which mattress is best to choose, also focus on the reviews of specialists and those who have already managed to use the product.

Rating of orthopedic mattresses: customer choice

Numerous demand studies show that Russian buyers prefer mattresses with an independent spring unit. Such mattresses with a layer of natural latex or coconut coir 30 mm thick are especially popular. Moreover, many consumers prefer mattresses with several zones of rigidity, which provide an ideal position of the spine during sleep. Most choose medium-hard mattresses that suit almost everyone regardless of weight and age.

Among springless mattresses, the sales leaders are simple models made of a single layer of polyurethane foam or with a thin layer of latex.

Advantage of orthopedic mattresses

Violation of posture contributes to a modern lifestyle. Both young people and the elderly are inactive, they work for a long time at the computer without changing their posture. Improper nutrition does not saturate the spinal bones with calcium and phosphorus, contributing to their destruction. The result is acquired pathologies and curvatures of the spinal column, as well as scoliosis and osteochondrosis in most diagnosed patients of different ages.

The violation of posture contributes to a modern lifestyle.

Using an orthopedic mattress, during a night's rest, restores strength and has a preventive effect on the spine. Thanks to the fillers and their properties, the mattress can take the shape of a person’s body and absorb.

Using an orthopedic mattress, during a night's rest, restores strength and has a preventive effect on the spine.

The service life of such a product ranges from 5 to 12 years.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

The choice of an orthopedic mattress must be approached with all responsibility. So that it does not cause harm to health, but supports it, for each specific case a wide variety of sizes, thicknesses, fillers and structures are presented on the market. It is important to remember that the mattress will not cure spinal curvature and will not restore youth to the body, however, it can provide a comfortable sleep on a comfortable surface, stay awake in the morning and help not aggravate existing pathologies.

The mattress can provide a comfortable sleep on a convenient surface, vivacity in the morning and will help not aggravate existing pathologies.

Thickness and size

These two indicators are taken into account when choosing a mattress for a certain size and design of the bed frame. It should not be puffed or smaller, leaving a margin at the edges. First they get a bed and only then they think about purchasing a mattress.

First they get a bed and only then they think about purchasing a mattress.

The thickness of the mattress determines the quality of the mattress, its orthopedic properties, health and the sensations of a sleeping person after sleeping. Thin models up to 10 cm are recommended exclusively for children, and to maintain adult spine and posture, students get mattresses with a thickness of at least 12 cm, taking into account individual characteristics and existing problems with the spinal column. The size of a universal product ranges from 15 to 25 cm.

The size of a universal product ranges from 15 to 25 cm.

A person with a lot of weight creates strong pressure on the bed, so for him it is necessary to select a mattress with a depth of 15 cm. Thin models are mainly designed to level the surface or reduce its inconvenience, with an initially unsuccessful design. When purchasing goods with spring sections, its thickness should be more than 18 cm. Expensive elite orthopedic mattresses reach 40 cm and provide maximum orthopedic effect.

Expensive elite orthopedic mattresses reach 40 cm and provide maximum orthopedic effect.

The size of the mattress is divided into:

  • single - from 90 cm wide and 190 cm long,
  • double - with a width of 160 cm and a length of 190 cm,
  • one and a half sleeping - from a width of 120 cm and a length of 190 cm.


Comfort during rest and muscle sensations after awakening directly depend on stiffness. As a rule, thin mattresses create discomfort, inconvenience and are not suitable for an adult. Most buyers prefer medium-hard mattresses. The hardest models are recommended for people with pathologies of the spinal column, hernias, osteochondrosis.

Comfort during rest and muscle sensations after awakening directly depend on stiffness.

  • Mattresses of low rigidity are filled with latex, cotton or foam.Such models are purchased quite rarely, since their price remains high, and there are no orthopedic and healing actions. They are advised to people with low weight for a short rest.
  • Mattresses of medium hardness are made from high-quality materials and fillers, are in great demand and endowed with healing properties. Products with independent spring sections are most often filled with latex and polyurethane foam.
  • High rigidity mattresses are usually made for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, filling with coconut fruit with solid, strong and slightly elastic fibers. Such options are not recommended only for the elderly, for whom coir is combined with latex or other composites, to ensure elasticity and increased softness.

Mattress filler

The composition of the mattress largely determines its durability, medical indications or contraindications, orthopedic properties, and most importantly - pricing. Fillers are artificial or natural.

Fillers are artificial or natural.


Suitable for lovers of warmth. Manufacturers combine layers of the mattress so that it is only woolen on one side. In this case, the product is called multi-season. In winter, he lays his hair up, and vice versa in summer. The best option for a filler is horse hair. Such a material makes the surface elastic, retains heat and at the same time, has good orthopedic properties.

The best option for a filler is horse hair.


Such a composition began to gain popularity only in the last few years. Algae increase immunity, facilitate breathing. Such a mattress is good for health, characterized by excellent antibacterial properties, hygienic and durable.

Algae increase immunity, facilitate breathing.

Combined Fillers

Characterized by the production of multi-layer mattresses. To acquire some properties and achieve the desired effect, layers with different filler are combined, creating an individual necessary option for the buyer. The most popular is the combination of latex and coconut coir.

The most popular is the combination of latex and coconut coir.

Memory material

They appeared on the market relatively recently and almost immediately gained popularity. They have a memory effect and remember the shape of the body of a sleeping person, and do not exert a response pressure, due to the composition of a kind of foam. When a person wakes up and stands up, the surface slowly straightens and takes on its original appearance. Durable, such products have nothing to break, crack, wipe. Subject to the optimal temperature and humidity, it will serve more than one generation. Manufacturers offer similar mattresses with varying degrees of rigidity: from the smallest to very rigid models. Cost is the only significant drawback of this type. Almost all products are made of natural materials, environmentally friendly, so they are available only to the buyer with a "tight" wallet.

Durable, such products have nothing to break, crack, wipe.

Orthopedic spring mattress

Such products entered the market many years ago, and an opinion was rooted about them as reliable, strong and durable.

Orthopedic spring mattress.

Spring mattresses are divided into two types:

  • With blocks dependent on each other. Dependent spring blocks, called bonnels, are a hammock structure. By pressing on a certain area of ​​the surface, others are simultaneously compressed, thanks to the firmly connected springs. They do not have stiffness zones, and the design is considered not reliable, outdated, quickly fails, but attracts a low price.
There are no stiffness zones, and the design is considered not reliable, outdated, quickly fails, but attracts a low price.

With blocks independent from each other. These are combined springs and constituting separate blocks, packed in covers. This option is ideal for a double bed. When one person turns over or makes a movement, vibrations from his body are not transmitted near the sleeping person. There are two types of springless mattresses - NPB and multipackages. They differ in the number of springs per square meter, and the higher this indicator, the better and better the product is considered. In the first case, it is 256 pieces, in the second from 500 to 1100 pieces. Mattresses with an independent spring block have different degrees of rigidity: soft, medium, high, and blocks of different stiffness can be assembled in one mattress.

Mattresses with an independent spring block have different degrees of rigidity: soft, medium, high, and blocks of different stiffness can be assembled in one mattress.

Springless orthopedic mattress

As the name implies, they do not include springs in the structure, but are filled with a dense material: solid or consisting of several layers. The filler is natural, made from natural ingredients or synthetic. This type also includes water and air mattresses used in medical institutions, but have not yet gained popularity among ordinary buyers, due to the difficulty of operation. The air mattress comes with a compressor, the operation of which is accompanied by noise and the cost of such a product is very high. Water mattresses are easier to maintain, the water in them changes every few years, but its surface is rubber and its weight is more than 200 kg, which not every bed frame can withstand. Sleeping on such surfaces is not very comfortable due to the unpleasant smell coming from the rubber.

The filler is natural, made from natural ingredients or synthetic.

Selection tips

  • With scoliosis or other curvature of the spine, it is advised to purchase springless or spring mattresses with an independent block, filled with latex or coconut coir.
  • For osteochondrosis, problems with lumbar joints and lordosis, it is recommended that you buy a soft mattress with independent springs. With osteochondrosis of the breast, a mattress of medium or high stiffness should be chosen. Latex filler with memory effect is equally useful in all diseases.
  • Do not buy a hard mattress without the advice of your doctor. It does not ensure the natural position of the body, creating pressure only on certain areas and disrupting blood circulation, which over time can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Buying a product on your own, despite advice and persuasion, it is recommended to lie on it, test it and determine how much it meets your wishes.
  • Pay attention to the composition of the goods. Natural allergens are not always suitable for allergy sufferers. In case of allergies, get synthetic models.
  • Do not order mattresses from unverified or reputable companies. Remember that a good model cannot be cheap.
  • Good manufacturers always have a viewing line where you can study, view and touch the filler in detail to avoid fraud.
Following our advice, you can choose a quality product.